
The brain is conceded to be the master organ of the body, the regulator of life, the source of human progress.

The brain is the most complex and mysterious organ with 100 billion neurons and an incalculable number of connections with minimal electrical currents and about 50 different chemicals. These are the tools with which the entire body works and oversees: it processes signals that arrive from the outside, it stores and governs memories, it allows us to reason and above all, it guides the harmonies of our lives.

High Quality Products

All our products are manufactured as per WHO GMP standard.

Evidence Based Medicine

All our products marketed are backed by solid scientific rationale
This is precisely why Bion Therapeutics – MASTERMIND chose to work and commit to Brain Health. Because it is aware that working in the field of neurological and psychiatric diseases is the real health challenge of today and tomorrow!
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Taking care of our brain means taking care of our entire body in person. Because: it’s all in the head. Emotions, memories, decisions, actions.
This is precisely why Bion Therapeutics chose to work and commit to Brain Health. Because it is aware that working in the field of neurology and psychiatric diseases is the real health challenge of today and tomorrow.

Central nervous system disorders, understood as both neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, other dementias and epilepsy and psychiatric disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, are already the leading cause of loss of life years through premature death and disability in developing countries.

For over years, Bion Therapeutics has been committed to improving the management and quality of life of patients with mental health problems and, more recently, those with neurological disorders. It does all this by offering products with proven efficacy, disseminating clear and correct evidence-based information that can dispel false myths.

Our ambition is to reverse the course of neurological and psychiatric diseases by combining our vast experience and portfolio of trusted brands with the power of doctor’s prescription.